Donate on #GivingTuesday and get free stuff from ATMakers @at_makers

Donate on #GivingTuesday and Get Free Stuff! | ATMakers. Folks who donate >$25 get an AT Switch and those over $100 get an HID Switch Interface.

Make a donation of $25 or more today (Nov 27,  2018) and we will send you a 3D Printed Light Touch Switch as a thank you for supporting us.  You can learn more about the new switch design in this video:

Not enough for you?  Want to give more?  Make a donation of $100 today and we will send you a KeySwitch interface device, also built by our volunteers at the Adapt-A-Thon.

The KeySwitch is a brand new design that allows your switches to act as a keyboard or mouse (or both) and is completely customizable – even down to reprogramming it completely.  Help us test this great new tool as we roll it out!

Read more and donate.

This video above is from the AT Makers Adapt-A-Thon for the children of Florida who use switches to control their toys and devices. is an experiment in solving problems in Assistive Technology using the skills and tools of the Maker community.  In short, we’ve seen tools in the Open-Source Hardware and Software community that can be incredibly useful for people with severe physical and cognitive challenges – we’d like to help introduce these communities to each other.