Electroneum Price Turns Bullish Through 12% Gain

NullTX Electroneum price Bullsh

Another day dawns upon the cryptocurrency industry, yet no one really knows what to expect this time around. The past day and a half have not been overly present for any cryptocurrency, yet it seems a healthy market bounce is in order. If the Electroneum price is any real indication, today may prove to get interesting after all. Its value surpassed $0.01 again after a massive dip.

Electroneum Price Surge Takes Shape

After Bitcoin lost a ton of value yesterday, there were genuine concerns over what the future would hold or all of the altcoins. Considering how there are so many markets reliant on Bitcoin’s momentum first and foremost, it quickly became evident things were not looking too great last night. Thankfully, this industry remains resilient and there are some gains to be noted at this time.

For the Electroneum price, things effectively turned bullish all of a sudden. This is how these markets evolve regularly, as most dips are followed by steep gains and vice versa. It is positive to see some green across the charts today, as things could have been as bleak as yesterday morning, if not worse. Electroneum seems to be leading the way for all altcoins looking to recover lost value.

The big news of the day is how Electroneum is now listed on the HitBTC exchange paired against UST. That is a pretty big deal for this particular altcoin, although there have been numerous exchanges who pair smaller altcoins to stablecoins these days. Even so, USDT has plenty of liquidity, which can yield some interesting Electroneum price momentum in the coming days.

It would also appear there is some additional ETN marketing going on behind the scenes. One Twitter user shared how his ETN hats have arrived in the mail. While their design is not necessarily something one hasn’t seen before, it is evident the Electroneum logo on the front will undoubtedly spark some conversations moving forward. Hats are a great way to market any cryptocurrency, yet they are far less common than one might think.

Jay is one of those cryptocurrency investors who can see the big picture at all times. Given yesterday’s bearish price pressure across all assets, he is confident there will be a major bull run in the coming five years. It will not be native to just one currency either, although he likes to advocate holding ETN just to be on the safe side. It is certainly true the coming years will be crucial for all cryptocurrencies, as something will need to change first and foremost.

All of this seems to indicate the Electroneum price should remain above $0.01 for the remainder of the day. There will be some small setbacks along the way, as  a12% profit is too good to pass up for most traders and speculators. Even so, one also has to look at the bigger picture, and it sees Electroneum is not going away any time soon. Interesting things are bound to happen where this altcoin is concerned, by the look of things.

Disclaimer: This is not trading or investment advice. The above article is for entertainment and education purposes only. Please do your own research before purchasing or investing into any cryptocurrency.

The post Electroneum Price Turns Bullish Through 12% Gain appeared first on NullTX.

by JP Buntinx via NullTX