Getting Black Friday right for WordPress products – Alex Denning

Black Friday and Cyber Monday have the opportunity to be some of the biggest profit generators all year for WordPress products. Hopefully you’ve been profitable all year and this isn’t – as with traditional retail – the sale event which makes you profitable, but it’s still a great opportunity and over the last couple of years I’ve seen the Thanksgiving period consistently provide a nice boost to WordPress business’ earnings.
Yet, it’s important to get Black Friday right. You need to create an offer which works for you, is attractive for your customers, and does not impede your ability to make money in the long term.
You shouldn’t take those three points for granted; this post gets into the how and why, and how to get Black Friday right for WordPress products.
Not all sales are equal
Pricing is consistently one of the highest-impact areas my agency Ellipsis advises clients on: it’s remarkably simple to change, and simple tweaks to pricing can often dramatically improve profitability.
We spend the vast majority of the time telling people to increase prices, and Black Friday is the opposite of this.
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