How To Set Up Multiple Blog Pages in WordPress?

Have you ever felt the need of having multiple blog pages on your WordPress website? If you did, then it can be because you have many multi-niche blogs floating on your website or you are planning specifically on launching a blog targeted on multiple topics and areas.
Having a proper bifurcated website blog looks a lot more organized, and your readers will not have a hard time navigating as well. So it is essential that you have your blog pages set up in such as way that your users can navigate through the blog easily but at the same time you do not need to work on anything technical like setting up a multisite.
However, how can you do it? Also, how can you do it without having something complex like a multisite setup? Does it require multiple domain name registrations?
Well, there is a way by which you can do that without touching a single line of code and without any help of multisite setup. In fact, there are two ways-
The first one is direct and will provide you with the primary process to have multiple blogs pages in your blogging website and the second will provide you with the multiple blog page setup and on top of that, you can do more customization to your blog design and layout.
