Introduction to End-to-End Testing with

The topic of testing comes up often at WebDevStudios—whether we’re on-boarding a new project, or we’re digging out bugs on existing work, and even when we talk about our own internal tools. Testing is a common part of software development that often gets overlooked, especially when you consider a website that might be more “static,” such as a WordPress blog. But regardless of whether your site is running a rich web application or serving up your favorite recipes to your readers, End-to-End (E2E) testing has benefits for everyone. Today, I’m going to walk through getting started with—a JavaScript-based E2E platform that’s easy to get up and running and is powerful in numerous ways that could make you rethink testing.
What Exactly is “End-to-End Testing?”
End-to-end testing means testing your application in a way that each component, from start to finish, is tested to do what it’s supposed to do. As an example, imagine a website that has a “Contact Us” form. Testing this would mean filling out the form, clicking the submit button, and expecting to see a result afterwards of something along the lines
