Is PHP Dead? No! At Least Not According to PHP Usage Statistics

You’ve probably heard about how the new WordPress Gutenberg editor brings block-based editing to WordPress. And while blocks have been much of the focus, there’s also another change going on behind the scenes that casual users might not notice – the Gutenberg editor is built on React, not PHP. That change, along with other shifts in web development, might have you wondering, “is PHP dead?”.
So…is it? Should we call the funeral home and start the preparations? Well, first off, it’s important to point out that there’s a big difference between wanting PHP to be dead and PHP actually being dead.
People have been calling for the death of PHP for years now (you can find “Is PHP Dead?” posts as far back as 2011). And yet, PHP still persists…
In this post, we’ll dig into the data and show how PHP isn’t close to being dead (even if you really wish it were).
Is PHP Dead? Only if You Ignore the PHP Usage Statistics
Ok, PHP might not be the best or the most modern programming language. But that doesn’t mean it’s dead, and it’s pretty tough to argue with the PHP statistics here…
First off, let’s
