Learn Binary and How to Build a Computer with Nand Game


The Nand Game will take you though building a working computer, starting from the most basic components. It does not require any prerequisites, in particular it does not require any previous knowledge about computer architecture or software, and does not require math skills beyond addition and subtraction. It does require some patience – some of the tasks may take a while to solve.

The game consist of a series of levels. In each level you are tasked with building a component which behaves according to a specification. When a component have been built it can then be used as a building-block in the next level.

All components are specified through which input should lead to what output. How exactly you build the component is up to you, as long as input/output conforms to the specification. The game doesn’t care whether you have found the simplest or the most efficient design. It only cares if it works correctly.

The site says:

The Nand Game is inspired by the amazing course From NAND to Tetris – Building a Modern Computer From First Principles which is hightly recommended.

This game only covers a small part of the material in the above course, and is mostly intended as a fun exercise. If you are interested in the fundamentals of computing, the book “Code” by Charles Petzold is also highly recommended.

For any feedback, complaints or questions contact olav@olav.dk.