Particle Mesh IoT Development Kit Unboxing and Review: Xenon and Argon #Feather @Particle @cnxsoft

Particle Mesh IoT Development Kit Review – Part 1: Unboxing

CNX Software posts about unboxing the new Particle Mesh IoT Development Kit.

Back in February of this year, Particle introduced three low cost IoT development boards based on Nordic Semi nRF52840 wireless chip supporting “Particle Mesh” networking based on the 802.15.4 radio in the chip and OpenThread implementation of Thread IoT communication protocol.

The company recently announced they were now shipping the kits pre-ordered earlier this year, and released two IoT development tools based on Node-RED and Visual Studio Code. Particle contacted me as well as to find out whether I was interested in reviewing their latest WiFi / Bluetooth / Mesh kit, and I’ve just received the bundle, which comes with a bunch of items, so I decided to write an unboxing post first to have a first look at the hardware, before playing with it in one or two weeks.

Particle Mesh IoT Development Kit Bundle Unboxing

Check out the entire article on CNX Software. Excited for the new Particle boards (that are Adafruit FeatherWing compatible)? Let us know in the comments below.