Researchers Counter AI Weaponization Efforts Through New Machine Learning Solution

The use of artificial intelligence is becoming more apparent in the technology sector. One particular trend revolves around simulating how cybercriminals come up with new phishing attempts. It is evident this option needs to be explored further moving forward, as phishing remains an ever-present threat to consumers all over the world.

How AI Becomes a Tool to Fight Criminals

As is always the case when new technology comes to market, there are two sides of the medallion. While artificial intelligence can lead to many major breakthroughs over the coming decades, it is also turning into a tool for cybercriminals. Online and mobile-oriented Phishing attempts have become a very problematic threat in recent months, and it needs to be addressed accordingly.

Researchers at Cyxtera Technologies acknowledge the weaponization of artificial intelligence needs to be explored for the greater good. Cybercriminals are always looking for ways to make money through different ventures. Despite the rise of malware distribution over the years, phishing still remains the most profitable business model first and foremost.

It is certainly true criminals are taking a far more sophisticated approach to phishing as of late. Their current focus lies on encryption and web certificate attacks to evade security defenses. Web certificates are a low-cost solution, as victims are tricked into believing they visit a legitimate website.

Artificial intelligence and its machine learning aspect can be of great value to security researchers in this regard. It allows researchers to detect malicious TLS certificates and other phishing platforms. Thousands of such sites exist, with more being added on a nearly daily basis. Ensuring these threats are eliminated quickly requires the use of new technologies, such as AI.

Cyxtera VP of Research Alejandro Correa adds:

“Nowadays, in order for us to analyze the hundreds of thousands of alerts we receive every day, we have to rely on machine-learning models in order to be more productive. If we’re going to effectively differentiate ourselves, we need to understand how that is going to be done. The results of AI are a motivation. It will enhance how we may start combatting and figuring out how to defend ourselves against attackers using AI.”

The Cyxtera Technologies team has built a new in-house algorithm to deal with the increasing number of phishing reports received every single week. Known as DeepPhish, the algorithm simulates the result of the weaponization of artificial intelligence by cybercriminals. Figuring out ways attacks can make their attempts more effective will give researchers a leg up in many different ways. Fighting fire with fire is usually the best course of action.

The post Researchers Counter AI Weaponization Efforts Through New Machine Learning Solution appeared first on NullTX.

by JP Buntinx via NullTX