SenseTemp Temperature Monitor by @CapableRobot #Feather #FeatherWing # CircuitPython #OpenSource #OSHW @maximintegrated

SenseTemp Designed by Capable Robot Components.

A new board in FeatherWing format (can snap on to many Adafruit Feather processor boards): SenseTemp by Capable Robot Components.

SenseTemp provides four highly accurate and flexible temperature sensors which allow you to understand the operation of your:

  • Mobile robot
  • Embedded system
  • Double pane windows on your house
  • Home brewing operation
  • Or any other system where temperature and thermal conduction is important

It’s designed for quick tests as well as long-duration process monitoring using MAX31865 sensor interface chips.

SenseTemp is currently in-pre launch on CrowdSupply. You can sign up on the campaign page for project update.

The software running on the Feather host processor does change based on the Feather host you are using. The repository contains software for:

  • CircuitPython: if you are using a Cortex M4 or M0 Feather.
  • MicroPython: if you are using an ESP32 Feather. The ESP32 is not currently supported by CircuitPython.

Read more about SenseTemp on the Capable Robot Components website and the associated GitHub repository and on Twitter.

SenseTemp Designed by Capable Robot Components.