The complete guide to multilingual WooCommerce – Sell with WP

This is a guest post by Natasha Drewnicki. Natasha is a Marketing Copywriter at Ellipsis Marketing, a marketing agency for WordPress businesses. Just over a quarter of the internet communicates in English, which means that almost 75% of online users are communicating – and buying – in other languages. So, if your site is still only in English, you could be leaving money on the table.
In this post we’ll discuss why more and more WooCommerce shops are using WooCommerce multilingual plugins to expand their reach and scale into new markets, and why it could be a practical option for your own business.
We’ll explore options for translating your WooCommerce store, take a look at some of the most popular WordPress multi-language plugins on the market today, and talk about how to choose the best language for your business. We’ll also run through a multilingual WooCommerce plugin installation to get you up and running in no time.
Why should you add a multilingual WooCommerce plugin?
Let’s first look at three really good reasons why you should add a multilingual WooCommerce plugin. These reasons come from different angles, but all can be boiled down to a single
