today is #GivingTuesday online’ – Adafruit’s Volunteer and Charitable Paid Time Off @adafruit #adafruit

Hi Adafruit community! We’ll be posting up some #GivingTuesday links to companies, organizations and more – here’s an email we sent to our Adafruit employees today –

today online there will be a lot of hash tags #GivingTuesday and there is a web site devoted to the day: the goals are: “Help others through the gift of your time, donations, goods or your voice.”

there are lots of fund raising, awareness, and organizations to support.

one of the things we do as a company and a cause together at adafruit is paid time off for charity, 3 paid days (24 hours) available for use toward volunteer work with a 501(c)(3) organization. we’ve been doing this for years now and hundreds of hours have been paid-time-off for adafruit employees for the important causes each of us have and want to give the biggest gift of all, time.

with over 100+ employees, 3 PTO days each, that’s a lot of good that can be done.

attached are the forms and the section from the handbook.

we worked really hard to make this a unique benefit at adafruit, and to help-help each of our local communities and the causes important to each of us here.

thank you to the team members that have volunteers and shared some of your stories as well with us.

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