Tool Testing

Phill recently posted regarding some testing that he'd conducted, with respect to tools for parsing Windows Recycle Bin files. From Phill's blog post, and follow-on exchanges via Twitter, it seems that Phill tested the following tools (I'm assuming these are the versions tested):

- Jason Hale's $I Parse - blog posts here and here
- Dan Mare's RECYCLED_I app - the main software page states "RECYCLED_I: Program to parse the $I files extracted via a forensic software package. Special request.", but you can download it (and get syntax/usage) from here.
- My own

Phill's testing resulted in Eric Zimmerman creating RBCmd (tweet thread).

What I was able to determine after the fact is that the "needs" of a parsing tool were:

- parse Recycle Bin files from XP/2003 systems (INFO2), as well as Win7 & Win10 ($I*)
- for Win7/10, be able to parse all $I* files in a folder.

The results from the testing were (summarized):

- Some tools didn't do everything; some don't parse both XP- and Win7-style Recycle Bin files, and the initial versions of the tool I wrote parsed but did not display file sizes (it does now)
- The tool I wrote can optionally display tabular, CSV, and TLN output
- Eric's RBCmd parses all file types, including directories of $I* files; from the tweet thread, it appears that RBCmd displays tabular and CSV output
- rifiuit2 was the fastest

So, if you're looking to parse Recycle Bin index files (either INFO2 or $I* format)...there you go. 

$I* File Structures
As Jason Hale pointed out over 2 1/2 years ago, the $I* file structure changed between Win7 and Win10.  Most of the values are in the same location (the version number...the first four bytes...were updated from 1 to 2), but where Win7 had a fixed length field that included the name and original path (in Unicode) of the file, Win10 and Win2016 have a four byte name length field, followed by the file path and name, in Unicode.

SemanticScholar PDF
4n6Explorer article