WebMap- Nmap Web Dashboard With Scan Information And Ports Status

WebMap- Nmap Web Dashboard and Reporting


You should use this with docker, just by sending this command:

$ mkdir /tmp/webmap
$ docker run -d \
         --name webmap \
         -h webmap \
         -p 8000:8000 \
         -v /tmp/webmap:/opt/xml \

$ # now you can run Nmap and save the XML Report on /tmp/webmap
$ nmap -sT -A -T4 -oX /tmp/webmap/myscan.xml

Now point your browser to http://localhost:8000

Quick and Dirty

$ curl -sL http://bit.ly/webmapsetup | bash

Upgrade from previous release

$ # stop running webmap container
$ docker stop webmap

$ # remove webmap container
$ docker rm webmap

$ # pull new image from dockerhub
$ docker pull rev3rse/webmap

$ # run WebMap
$ curl -sL http://bit.ly/webmapsetup | bash

Run without Docker

This project is designed to run on a Docker container. IMHO it isn't a good idea to run this on a custom Django installation, but if you need it you can find all building steps inside the Dockerfile.


  • Import and parse Nmap XML files
  • Statistics and Charts on discovered services, ports, OS, etc...
  • Inspect a single host by clicking on its IP address
  • Attach labels on a host
  • Insert notes for a specific host
  • Create a PDF Report with charts, details, labels and notes
  • Copy to clipboard as Nikto, Curl or Telnet commands
  • Search for CVE and Exploits based on CPE collected by Nmap
  • RESTful API
  • Changes on v2.1
  • Better usage of Django template
  • Fixed some Nmap XML parse problems
  • Fixed CVE and Exploit collecting problems
  • Add new Network View
  • Add RESTful API

XML Filenames

When creating the PDF version of the Nmap XML Report, the XML filename is used as document title on the first page. WebMap will replace some parts of the filename as following:

  • _ will replaced by a space ()
  • .xml will be removed

Example: ACME_Ltd..xml
PDF title: ACME Ltd.

CVE and Exploits

thanks to the amazing API services by circl.lu, WebMap is able to looking for CVE and Exploits for each CPE collected by Nmap. Not all CPE are checked over the circl.lu API, but only when a specific version is specified (for example: cpe:/a:microsoft:iis:7.5 and not cpe:/o:microsoft:windows).

Network View

Download WebMap

from Hackers Online Club (HOC) https://ift.tt/2RWABGV