If you are an avid follower of the tech industry, you’ve likely heard the term ‘5G’ a lot. So what exactly is 5G? Simply put, Fifth generation wireless network(5G) is the next proposed telecommunication standard beyond the current 4G standard. 5G technology offers a large bandwidth and many advanced features which makes it demanding and a lot powerful in the foreseeable future. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gldVB5YGVL4 Since the smartphone market is expanding at a rapid pace, the need to increase the capacity of the mobile network has become necessary. Initially, it started from 1G in the 1980s, 2G in 1990s, 3G in the 2000s, 4G in 2010s and now its 5G. In an interview with Alejandro Holcman, Senior VP Engineer, Qualcomm, he explained how 5G is a flexible framework that is not only about data services and voice services, but also for industrial services, low latency services, services that are not just for consumers, but also for machines, and could even extend beyond that to autonomous driving and other industrial places. Apart from faster mobile networks, 5G will also be used in everything right from our home appliances to self-driving cars. It’s worth mentioning here that 5G has been designed and built with this in mind. ...
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