WordPress Page Builder Performance Comparison – Barrel Roll

After two years of development, Gutenberg (and its delivery device, WordPress 5.0) are nearly upon us and people are not happy about it. 900+ one star reviews are a clear indication that it’s not exactly beloved by the community, but those are primarily focused on its lack of polish in the user interface, missing functionality, and poor documentation. We’ve been wondering; how does Gutenberg fare in the performance department?
Back in August, we conducted a poll asking folks what their favorite WordPress page builder plugin was. We’ve compared some of the most popular plugins with Gutenberg and the Classic Editor to see how their performance stacks up.
What We Tested
In thinking about the best way to setup this test, we tried to come up with the most likely use-case scenarios for a typical WordPress user who might use a page builder rather than letting the theme handle design. We kept it simple, choosing a large featured image, four smaller featured images, and some text blocks. This was a design we could easily (well, except in Gutenberg) replicate and should be a good example of how a typical post or page might work.
WordPress 4.9
We started with a baseline test
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18145/wordpress-page-builder-performance-comparison-barrel-roll

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/11/27/wordpress-page-builder-performance-comparison-barrel-roll/