25+ Best Site Screenshot API Services for Developers for 2019

If you’re performing a mundane, repeatable task, we’re 99% sure someone already had the same problem, got frustrated with it and created a service to automate the task. Creating website screenshots is without a doubt one such task. Solution? Website screenshot generating services! Try creating ten quality site screenshots, crop them, resize and upload somewhere and you’ll see that it’s more complicated and time-consuming than it looks. By using a screenshot service via API or GUI, you can quickly generate hundreds of pixel-perfect screenshots within minutes. We gathered the best screenshot services we could find and compared them so you can choose the one that suits you best. I don’t get it, what’s a site screenshot service?
The manual process of creating a website screenshot involves opening the site in a web browser, taking a screenshot of the entire screen and then processing the image in Photoshop or some similar application. Although it’s not a picture that needs retouching or color-correction screenshots do require editing to remove browser toolbars, status bars and other parts of the screen that are not directly related to the site itself.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18159/25-best-site-screenshot-api-services-for-developers-for-2019

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/12/03/25-best-site-screenshot-api-services-for-developers-for-2019/