9 Steps for Beginners to Create Attractive Newsletters

The biggest challenge of email marketing is to cater to the limited attention span of the audience. That’s why if you are just starting your email marketing procedures, you need to create engaging newsletters. According to statistics gathered by Nielsen Norman Group, newsletters are still recognized as an excellent way to build and maintain relationships. Lay Down the Objectives of a Newsletter
Before you jump into creating a newsletter you need to identify the objectives that you want to achieve through your newsletters. So think about what your marketing efforts are directed at and answer the following questions to arrive at a resolution.
Do you want the recipients to avail your services?
Do you want to establish a sense of trust with the recipient?
Are you trying to inform and instruct your readers?
Once you address these questions, you need to ensure that your newsletter must agree with your objectives. For instance, if you are an e-commerce business and want to boost your sales, you can send irresistible offers.
Designing an Attractive Newsletter
In this case, you must maintain consistency with the newsletter template you use and don’t change it more than once a year.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18210/9-steps-for-beginners-to-create-attractive-newsletters

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/12/14/9-steps-for-beginners-to-create-attractive-newsletters/