A look back at Themeum’s 2018

The best way to welcome a new year is reviewing the year we are saying goodbye to. Last year, we promised to release new and exciting themes, improve plugins with modern functionalities, launch new products, and focus more on support & updates. Standing on the eve of 2019, we can proudly say that in 2018, we did way more than what we promised in most of the areas. With the arrival of 13+ new WordPress themes and plugins like WP Page Builder, WP Mega Menu Pro, Themeum is now a one-stop solution for your WordPress needs. Creating any website you think of is a reality with our powerful page builder and WordPress products.
Flashback at Themeum’s 2018
This year has not been just about releasing exciting items but about extending our team, supporting the WordPress community, sponsoring WordCamps worldwide and many more.
Redesigned website
The entire Themeum site has been radically redesigned in 2018. It’s not just a new website. It’s a completely new experience having the user is at the heart. After launching Themeum back in 2013, this year’s redesign is the most significant overhaul. We must admire each of the members in our team for their hard work behind this
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18241/a-look-back-at-themeum-s-2018

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/12/26/a-look-back-at-themeums-2018/