Bitcoin Millionaire Airdrops Millions of Dollars in Hong Kong

raining money

The Bitcoin industry has allowed wealthy individuals to do some very unusual things. In most cases however, those developments will not make any media headlines. The literal fiat currency airdrop executed by Wong Ching Kit, a Bitcoin millionaire, will raise a lot of questions. It may be a positive sign for the struggling industry as well.

A Fiat Currency Airdrop to Promote Bitcoin

Those who invested in Bitcoin at a very early stage have made millions over and over again over the past few years. Especially if they managed to hold onto their BTC holdings until the all-time high of $19,500 was reached in late 2017. Whether or not Wong Ching Kit sold his holdings prior to that date will always remain in question. The end result is how this 24-year-old is a Bitcoin millionaire residing in Hong Kong.

Over the years, he has amassed a significant portfolio and associated value accordingly. During these troublesome times for Bitcoin and other currencies, he decided to airdrop some money in the real world. Although airdrops are nothing new in the world of cryptocurrencies, they usually involve digital tokens and assets. For Wong Ching Kit, he decided to distribute over 100 million Hong Kong Dollar this week. That is worth at least $13m, which was given away to random people.

To make this cash airdrop successful, Wong Ching Kit decided to throw the money off a rooftop in Hong Kong. During this event, he also proclaimed to “feel like a god” and “being responsible for teaching the world about Bitcoin”. Two very serious claims, although it seems the latter one may be interpreted in many different ways. He never claimed he created Bitcoin like Satoshi Nakamoto, by the look of things.

The main question is what this person aims to achieve by giving away millions of HKD for no apparent reason. It can be seen as a sign of how investing in Bitcoin will always be a good option to make money down the line. One could also say his youthful age simply got the best of his common sense and he acted on a whim.

Various images of the stash of money being dropped from the sky have surfaced on Twitter ever since. It is something that makes many people wishful they were part of it. A cash airdrop doesn’t happen all that often, especially not for such large amounts. Even so, this person can seemingly pare the money without losing sleep over it. Giving something back to the rest of the world is a noble gesture, though one that will always be criticized.

For the Bitcoin industry, this may not necessarily be the signal most people are looking for. There will always be those who claim this person should just reinvest the money and keep the price afloat. Even so, people are entitled to use their money as they see fit. If they want to make it rain Hong Kong Dollars, that is their prerogative to do at any given time. A very remarkable airdrop first and foremost and one that will be remembered for some time to come.

The post Bitcoin Millionaire Airdrops Millions of Dollars in Hong Kong appeared first on NullTX.

by JP Buntinx via NullTX