CircuitPython powered Snowflake boards! @stanford @stanford_ee #Stanford_EE #lab64


Adafruit 2018 1092

maholli/snowflake: snowflake PCBs w/ SAMD21 and neopixels. Max via discord writes –

lab64 snowflake contest designs were featured (2 snowflake designs)! We hope you are enjoying your beautiful snowflake PCBs with neopixels and capacitive touch sensing.

The event was held to get students excited about electronics regardless of their experience. Students could pick up a snowflake at various “stages,” whether it be presoldered, half-soldered, unprogrammed, etc.

We held a snowflake “design contest” that accepted SVG submissions for the board outline, then I slapped a quick SAMD21 circuit on it and had a few dozen made.

Students assembled the board following the interactive BOM:

The event is just one of many attempts at sparking excitement for building/making. He’s always looking for new ways to show students (and the administration!) the importance of actually executing on ideas/designs.”

Adafruit 2018 1093

Gallery, BOM, GitHub, and soldering guide.