Contexual Optins with Caldera Forms

Newsletter optin forms are more compelling when they speak directly to the readers interest. This tutorial shows you how to achieve that with a simple shortcode and Caldera Forms. Everyone wants to get more subscribers to their email newsletter. There’s so many different tactics from the extremely obnoxious to the completely banal.
At we tend to lean heavy on content marketing. We love providing value to our audience through our expertise and insights. We hope that in return for that free content, we might get a few emails here and there.
For the most part that works just fine. Recently though, we launched a new product, which means its newsletter list is relatively tiny. WP Business Reviews is a great product and we’ve been writing some really awesome content all relevant for business owners wanting to learn about online reviews, SEO tactics, reputation management and more. But we want more people to learn more about it as quickly as we can. So how can we ramp up the subscribers without moving into that “obnoxious” territory.
Contextual Signups
Our first step toward more signups is putting the optin form a bit more front-and-center to all our articles.
