DDrescue-GUI 2.0.1 Release, Install on Ubuntu (18.10/18.04) & Linux Mint

DDRescue-GUI an user-friendly, multiplatform, freely distributed and open source graphical application implemented in Python and designed to provide users with an easy-to-use GUI (Graphical User Interface) front-end for the awesome GNU ddrescue command-line software.

What is GNU ddrescue?
GNU ddrescue is an open source and free command-line software written by Antonio Diaz Diaz and designed to be used for data recovery tasks. It can copy data from one file or block device to another.

DDRescue-GUI v2.0.1 is a more minor release, but still brings some important fixes, including:

  • Not automatically adding file extensions for devices under /dev (Linux).
  • This was an issue when a device wasn’t automatically detected by the GUI.
  • Removing the “All Files” file picker wildcard (macOS).
  • This was causing weird behavior in some situations.
  • An issue with selecting map (previously called log) files was fixed.
  • The version and the release date were moved to the left in the status bar.
  • This improves readability on some platforms.
  • I also fixed an issue where a recovery couldn’t be aborted easily on some versions of Linux.

Install DDrescue-GUI 2.0.1  on Ubuntu (18.10/18.04) & Linux Mint :

This PPA contains all stable versions of my packages, and is recommended for use.

If you're using a version of Ubuntu newer than those supported yet, use the packages for the most recent version of Ubuntu supported.

If you're using an older, unsupported distribution, you should upgrade. However, if you really must do it, use the package for the oldest version of Ubuntu supported, but please be aware that I don't test software on unsupported versions, so your mileage may vary.

To install DDrescue-GUI 2.0.1 on Ubuntu and Linux Mint system, open terminal and follow this command :
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hamishmb/myppa

Update repository of ubuntu :
$ sudo apt-get update

And install DDrescue gui :
$ sudo apt-get install ddrescue-gui

After installation is completed, open DDrescue on ubuntu dashboard :