Ethr- A Network Performance Measurement Tool For TCP, UDP And HTTP

Ethr- A Network Performance Measurement Tool For TCP, UDP And HTTP

Ethr is a cross platform network performance measurement tool written in golang. 

The goal of this project is to provide a native tool for network performance measurements of bandwidth, connections/s, packets/s, latency, loss & jitter, across multiple protocols such as TCP, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, and across multiple platforms such as Windows, Linux and other Unix systems.

Ethr is a cross platform network performance measurement tool written in golang. The goal of this project is to provide a native tool for network performance measurements of bandwidth, connections/s, packets/s, latency, loss and jitter, across multiple protocols such as TCP, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, and across multiple platforms such as Windows, Linux and other Unix systems.


  • For Windows 10:
  • For Ubuntu:
  • For ArchLinux:


Note: go version 1.10 or higher is required building it from the source.

Building from Source

git clone
cd ethr
dep ensure -v
go build

Using go get

go get

Using ArchLinux AUR

Assuming you are using yay (

yay -S ethr


Simple Usage

ethr -h

ethr -s

Server with Text UI:
ethr -s -ui

ethr -c


// Start server
ethr -s

// Start client for default (bandwidth) test measurement using 1 thread
ethr -c localhost

// Start connections/s test using 64 threads
ethr -c localhost -t c -n 64

Complete Command Line

Common Parameters
-h                        Help
-no                       Disable logging to a file
-o              Log to the file specified by filename.
                          By default Ethr logs to ./ethrs.log for server & ./ethrc.log for client mode
-debug                    Log debug output

Server Parameters
-s                        Server mode
-ui                       Display text UI

Client Parameters
-c                    Client mode, connect to name or IP specified by server
-t                   Test to be done, b: bandwidth, c: connections/s, p: packets/s, l: latency
                              Default is bandwidth test
-p   Protocol to use, default is TCP
-n                    Number of sessions/threads to use
-l                    Buffer size to use for each request
-i                    Number of iterations for latency test


Protocol   Bandwidth Connections/s Packets/s Latency
TCP              Yes                  Yes                      No           Yes
UDP      Yes                  NA                      Yes           No
HTTP      Yes                  No                      No           No
HTTPS      No                  No                      No           No
ICMP      No                  NA                      No           No

Platform Support


Tested: Windows 10, Windows 7 SP1

Untested: Other Windows versions


Tested: Ubuntu Linux 18.04.1 LTS, OpenSuse Leap 15

Untested: Other Linux versions


No other platforms are tested at this time

Todo List

Todo list work items are shown below. Contributions are most welcome for these work items or any other features and bugfixes.
  • Test Ethr on other Windows versions, other Linux versions, FreeBSD and other OS
  • Support for UDP bandwidth & latency testing
  • Support for HTTPS bandwidth, latency, requests/s
  • Support for HTTP latency and requests/s
  • Support for ICMP bandwidth, latency and packets/s

from Hackers Online Club (HOC)