Google reassures 2 years of guaranteed updates for Android One devices commitment

Google's Android One program debuted with an aim to offer low-end Android phone with commendable hardware and provide timely updates. However, things changed as the company let up the hardware requirements due to smartphone OEMs were not making enough from them. To some extent, Android Go was able to fill the void with its slimmed down version of Android.  The Android One program was still focusing on timely updates and Google's Android website explicitly mentions the phones would receive 2 full years of guaranteed updates. However, a few days ago, Reddit user anshumanpati6 noticed the removal of '2 years of updates' mention from the website. This is something huge as guaranteed updates was a big selling point for a lot of people. This made the headlines all-over within no time and according to India Today publication who claims to have received a response from Google, denies any changes are being made to the promise of updates. In any case, we’ll need to wait and see if Google officially responds to this issue or if they end up adding the part about the promised updates back to the Android One landing page. In the response, Google said: We confirm that our promise to provide 2 years of updates on Android One devices still ...

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