Hey WordPress Plugin Developers: Are Your Plugins Really Ready for Gutenberg?

WordPress 5.0 is right around the corner with the flagship feature, the new Gutenberg editor, set to change the WordPress landscape dramatically. Gutenberg not only impacts how you write content in WordPress, but how developers build plugins for WordPress. Here at Delicious Brains we are working hard on the next version of our plugins, including making sure they are Gutenberg-compatible, but after chatting about Gutenberg the other day I thought it was high time I made sure my own plugins worked with the new editor as well.
In this post I’ll walk you through the process I took for making Intagrate, my Instagram WordPress plugin, Gutenberg-compatible, which will hopefully get you started on making your own plugins Gutenberg-ready.
Things to Consider
Although there is a way to completely disable Gutenberg on sites by using the Classic Editor plugin, if your own plugin is used on sites you don’t control (very likely if the plugins are sold or available on the WordPress plugin repository) then you will need to ensure it still functions a s expected with Gutenberg. There is also no guarantee that Classic Editor will be around in the future.
Plugins can widely differ in functionality
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18169/hey-wordpress-plugin-developers-are-your-plugins-really-ready-for-gutenberg

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/12/04/hey-wordpress-plugin-developers-are-your-plugins-really-ready-for-gutenberg/