How to earn money online

Make Money Online Easy Way

If you are reading this i assume you already searched on internet How to make money online and got f****D up all the website giving you assurance that you will start making money online and be rich quickly if you fall for that than you are looser its not your fault may be you are new in the market.

I am not saying that reading my tutorial you will become rich at least you can earn something or more depending on your potential and skills. I am not selling anything don't worry i am just sharing my past experience with you guys.

Just a small Intro. ==> i am cybertwist a blogger, youtuber, a computer guy am in this field for last 7 years i got fooled many times earning money online like that stuff i lost thousand of bugs just to earn online starting a business online am just a average guy with some good  skills.

If you are reading this long let me start if someone is asking you money or selling you to start making money online just stop right there you dont have to invest any or single penny to earn online its all free if you are starting a online business for making website or for SEO you can invest but if you want to make website then only you can also make a website free of cost.

Dont be fooled dont invest anything online just follow my steps if you want am not selling you anything just dont waste your money online to earn online.

Ways to earn online

1. Blogging
    If you dont know how to make blog or what is blog then just look you are reading this content on the blog as you can see some advertisement in my blog so you can make money by showing up advertisement  on your blog and the plus point is its free of cost just navigate to  start your own blog you can also watch videoson youtube how to make one and start earning online.
You can earn more in blog then  youtube.

2. Youtube 
    Its trending now everyone is on youtube to make make money online everyone cant earn money on youtube theres a little trick if you can crack it you can earn in thousands and in lakhs from youtube the trick is SEO crack it.

3. Advertise
  After you make your blog or website the question is how the advertisement going to show how will you get paid you have to first register for advertising company like google adsense, chitika , etc. Let me give you one advertiser link so you can register and put this ad on your website or blog to start making money. POPADS

Note:- The highest paying google but it requires great content and more traffic to get registerd. - The Best Popunder Adnetwork 3. Url Shortner 
This is the most Easy way to earn online just copy any url short and send it through whatsapp or post in your website more clicks more you earn Heres a quick link to start SHORTEST.

4. Affliate
you can also register for affiliate for amazon or flipkart just sell amazon products on your site and earn commision.