Lock Down Your Tech in 2019 With These Resolutions

If you’re a human person who occasionally engages in commerce, hackers are probably targeting you. This year, resolve to do something about it.

You know you need to take better care of your personal information, but you keep putting it off. It’s understandable, but this is the year you take your security into your own hands. Here are seven resolutions you can make to lock down your data in 2018. Like going to the gym regularly, it might be annoying to get started, but you’ll be better off once you build better habits.

Use a Freaking Password Manager

Re-using passwords is a very, very bad idea. Sure, having the same password everywhere makes it easier for you to remember, but it means that one site’s security leak compromises all of your accounts. To stay secure, you’d have to change all your passwords every time any service you use is compromised, which is not feasible.

This is why you need to use a different password for every site, and a password manager can help you do that. LastPass is a popular free choice, but there are some solid options out there that are easy to set up and use.

Stop putting this off. Everything you do online is at risk until you stop re-using passwords, and password managers make doing so simple.

RELATED: Why You Should Use a Password Manager, and How to Get Started

Lock Down Important Accounts With Two-Factor Authentication

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