Multilingual SEO on WordPress: 7 Tips To Rank In All Languages

SEO is hard enough when you’re only trying to rank in one language. But add a few more languages to the mix? Well, yeah, WordPress multilingual SEO can feel a little overwhelming. It doesn’t have to, though. Multilingual SEO is really just about applying all those same SEO principles and then also following some basic guidelines to make sure that each language has the same chance to benefit from your SEO efforts and rank in Google.
In this post, we’ll cover those best principles so that you can have all your site’s translations ranking.
You’ll still need to build some links and do some keyword research – but this guide will make sure Google can index all your content and serve up the right translation to visitors from around the world.
Let’s dive in…
1. Make Sure Google Can Crawl Each Language
Let’s start at the beginning – you can’t rank your multilingual WordPress site if Google can’t index it.
Services like Google Translate have made it easy to let people dynamically translate your website into any language (kind of like how the Chrome Browser can automatically translate text).
Now, that type of translation
