NEW GUIDE: Make It Talk #AdafruitLearningSystem #ComputerSpeech #CircuitPlayGroundExpress #CircuitPython #Adafruit @Adafruit

Make It Talk text-to-speech microcontroller voice talking temperature voice

An epic guide years in the making! Make It Talk shows you how you can get voice going on your microcontroller projects.

No expensive speech generation chips, modern processors can play wav files! All you need to do is get someone talking saved to bits and bytes. This guide shows you exactly how to do that, either on your own or through numerous online text-to-speech sites online.

Demonstrations using a talking temperature output on the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express and soundboards on Adafruit NeoTrellis keyboards using CircuitPython and just a few lines of code.

Why blink LEDs when you can have your project talk? Try it out today!