NEW GUIDE: Motion Controlled Matrix Bed Clock #Adafruit #AdafruitLearningSystem #Python #RaspberryPi @Adafruit @Raspberry_Pi

Motion Controlled Matrix Bed Clock Use

A new guide in the Adafruit Learning System today: a Motion Controlled Matrix Bed Clock

A multi-function Raspberry Pi based clock display by your bedside!

The 64×64 LED Matrix is a great platform to display anything you care about. Like the time and what day it is. 🙂 With the motion and light sensor, the display can be made to dim or blank out so it will not disturb you while sleeping. A simple wave motion in the dark room is enough to re-enable the display for a short period.

The 3D printed harness file is available with this project, so you can adapt it to suit your bed or desk space needs.  In the current form, two printed parts are glued together with regular table pin connectors.

The code is written in Python and has lots of potential for easy improvements. The current implementation gives you the ability to connect to an MQTT broker for subscribing and publishing events in a canonical IOT setup. But you need not to worry about that if a clock is all you care about. Underneath the Python code, this project uses the display driver written by Henner Zeller, which makes the display fast and stable when used together with the Adafruit parts.

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