NEW PRODUCTS – USB Micro B and USB Mini B to 5-pin Terminal Blocks

Composite USB terminal blocks

NEW PRODUCTS – USB Micro B and USB Mini B to 5-pin Terminal Blocks

We’ve got these with female sockets and male plugs!

First up, the USB Mini B Female Socket to 5-pin Terminal Block!

3969 detail 02 ORIG 2018 12

Make your next custom USB cable a breeze with a USB Mini B Female Socket to 5-pin Terminal Block. If you need to connect to a device with a mini USB plug or maybe make your own USB OTG device or custom cable of sorts – this adapter will come in very handy: no soldering required! Just use a small screwdriver to open up the terminal blocks, slide in your stranded or solid-core wire, and re-tighten.

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All the pins are labeled, which is really nice because we keep forgetting the order.

  • A – Pin 1 (V+)
  • B – Pin 2 (D-)
  • C – Pin 3 (D+)
  • D – Pin 4 (ID)
  • E – Pin 5 (GND)

We also carry the socket ‘mating’ version of this adapter.

3971 detial 02 ORIG 2018 10

Make your next custom USB cable a breeze with a USB Mini B Male Plug to 5-pin Terminal Block. If you need to connect to a device with a mini USB socket or maybe make your own custom cable of sorts – this adapter will come in very handy: no soldering required! Just use a small screwdriver to open up the terminal blocks, slide in your stranded or solid-core wire, and re-tighten.

3971 quarter ORIG 2018 10

All the pins are labeled, which is really nice because we keep forgetting the order.

  • A – Pin 1 (V+)
  • B – Pin 2 (D-)
  • C – Pin 3 (D+)
  • D – Pin 4 (ID)
  • E – Pin 5 (GND)

3970 detail ORIG 2018 12

Make your next custom USB cable a breeze with a Micro USB Female Socket to 5-pin Terminal Block. If you need to connect to a device with a micro USB plug or maybe make your own USB OTG device or custom cable of sorts – this adapter will come in very handy: no soldering required! Just use a small screwdriver to open up the terminal blocks, slide in your stranded or solid-core wire, and re-tighten.

3970 quarter ORIG 2018 12

All the pins are labeled, which is really nice because we keep forgetting the order.

  • A – Pin 1 (V+)
  • B – Pin 2 (D-)
  • C – Pin 3 (D+)
  • D – Pin 4 (ID)
  • E – Pin 5 (GND)

Last, but not least, the USB Micro B Male Plug to 5-pin Terminal Block!

3972 top 02 ORIG 2018 12

Make your next custom USB cable a breeze with a USB Micro B Male Plug to 5-pin Terminal Block. If you need to connect to a device with a micro USB plug or maybe make your own USB OTG device or custom cable of sorts – this adapter will come in very handy: no soldering required! Just use a small screwdriver to open up the terminal blocks, slide in your stranded or solid-core wire, and re-tighten.

3972 quarter ORIG 2018 12

All the pins are labeled, which is really nice because we keep forgetting the order.

  • A – Pin 1 (V+)
  • B – Pin 2 (D-)
  • C – Pin 3 (D+)
  • D – Pin 4 (ID)
  • E – Pin 5 (GND)

In stock and shipping now!