New Years Eve Project! 3D Printed Ball Drop #CircuitPython

New Years Even Ball Drop on Adafruit Learn System

Code and CAD on GitHub

Yay, we made it! 2018 here we come. Back in November, Limor had this idea to make a New Years themed project. I worked on the CAD and mechanical design while Dave Astels worked on the code.

Using Circuit Python in this project was an excellent decision as it allowed us to make adjustments quickly so we could fine tune the ball drop with synchronized audio.

The Adafruit Feather ecosystem is heavy in this project. The Tripler FeatherWing manages boards nicely and you get extra pins and power rails. Easy to swap in and out different boards.

I was able to 3D print big dual extruded domes, thanks to our new Ultimaker S5. This cuts down the print time from 21 hours to just 8hrs for a single dome by using a bigger nozzle and layerheight.

2020 aluminum extrusion works wells as a framing for builds because its strong and lightweight. With 3D printed roller wheels and ball bearings it can be made into a slider with a linear railing system.

Be sure to check out the learn guide for code, cad files and full assembly documentation.