As pistas mais inocentes podem, às vezes, ajudar a resolver um caso. Os objetos são todos tirados do fundo de uma imagem com material sexualmente explícito envolvendo menores. Para todas as imagens abaixo, todas as outras vias investigativas já foram examinadas. Portanto, estamos solicitando sua ajuda para identificar a origem de alguns desses objetos. Estamos convencidos de que mais olhos levarão a mais leads e, em última análise, ajudarão a salvar essas crianças.
Você pode nos ajudar a reconhecer os objetos? Nós queremos especificamente rastrear sua origem (localização / país). Você pode ajudar clicando em um objeto que você reconhece e fornecendo à Europol as informações que você tem sobre o objeto. Isso pode ser feito anonimamente. Uma vez que a origem de um objeto seja identificada, informaremos a autoridade competente de cumprimento da lei do país envolvido para investigar melhor esse lead e, esperamos, acelerar a identificação do infrator e da vítima.
  • Can you recognise this box? The first image is the upper part of the box.

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  • Are you familiar with these objects? What are they? Are they specific to a place?

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  • Can you recognise this baby girl's shirt?

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  • Can you recognise this product which states "Quality products from..."?

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  • Can you recognise any of the depicted objects and where you can find them?

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  • Do you recognise these items?

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  • This is a t-shirt: do you know where is it sold?

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  • Do you recognise this jacket?

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  • Is this jumper familiar to you?

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  • This is the top part of a pyjama. Do you recognise it?

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  • Do you know from where is the team this logo is referring to?
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  • Can you recognise which Asian city is this?

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  • Do you know where is this place?

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  • Do you know the brand of this iron? And do you recognise the yellow bag in the background?

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  • Do you recognise this shopping bag? Is it from a specific country?

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  • Do you the brand of these two backpacks and where they are sold?

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  • Do you recognise this specific brand of jeans and where they can be bought?

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  • This is most likely a shopping bag from a pharmacy – is the logo familiar to you?

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  • Have you seen this envelope before?

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  • Do you recognise this box?

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  • This is most likely a puzzle – have you seen it before?

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  • Do you recognise any of the depicted objects as coming from a specific country?

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  • Do you know if this plastic bag is from a specific country?

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  • Do you know where this fabric object is from?

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