This algae-powered exterior cladding turns polluted air into fresh oxygen

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Via Treehugger

According to architects Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto of ecoLogicStudio, the large-scale algal curtains are architectural add-ons, capable of storing the same amount of CO2 as twenty large trees (about one kilogram of CO2 per day):

AlgaeClad is the world first living ETFE cladding. It requires far less structural support and its carbon footprint could be 80 times lower than an equivalent system in glass. This makes it particularly suitable for retrofitting projects. Our partnership with UCL allows us to develop a unique combination of engineered algae strands and digitally manufactured ETFE cushions, which gives the system exceptional resilience, low maintenance and suitability for dense urban environments. [..]

Designed to be integrated into both existing and new buildings, it is composed of 16.2 x 7 metre (53 x 23 feet) modules, each one functioning as a photobioreactor — a digitally designed and custom made bioplastic container — using daylight to feed the living micro-algal cultures and releasing luminescent shades at night.

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