toc-me: a GitHub app that updates a table of content for markdown files by @paholleran #GitHub #Markdown

A GitHub App built with Probot that runs markdown-toc

Markdown is “yet another markup language” you need to learn to document things, especially on GitHub. But how do you automate things like generating a table of contents?

Philip Holleran (Twitter @paholleran) has you covered. toc-me is a GitHub App built with Probot that runs markdown-toc.

Teams often use GitHub to manage documentation. As that documentation grows navigation can become a challenge, leading to the addition of a table of contents (ToC). As the documentation is modified team members must take care to ensure the ToC links are properly nested and formatted, which can create a barrier to contribution.

This app examines each push operation for markdown files formatted to use markdown-toc. When such files are found, toc-me regenerates a new ToC for the file and inserts it in the configured location.

Check out this GitHub repo for more.