What is 5G NR? How will it change mobile internet? 5G NR internet speed? In India?


So in our previous article, we talked a lot about all the previous generations and evolution of generation in cellular communication technology from 1G i.e. first generation to 5G i.e. Fifth generation.
In this article, we will be discussing the newest generation i.e. the 5th generation of cellular communication technology. What is 5G? How will it change the mobile internet? What speeds can you expect the fifth generation of cellular communication technology and the most important question, when will it come to India!

Who sets new standards -5G New Radio - 5GNr

The international telecommunications union (ITU) sets the standards. The 3GPP has to draw up a proposal about implementation that matches these standards and submit it to the ITU. The international standard set by ITU for 5G is labeled as IMT-2020, and it demands speeds up to 20Gbps.

The 3GPP delivers standards in what is termed as 'releases'. With regards to 5G, there are currently two releases.

  • Release-15 - This is the non-standalone component, which builds upon the existing 4G architecture, was finalized by the end of 2017
  • Release-16 - This was finalized in June 2018. This completes the first phase of 5G release and sets the 5G New Radio (NR) standard.

5G Frequencies and Speeds: What's New!

5G takes the speed into gigabits per second. As of now, the standard requires at least up to 20Gbps speeds, but this is just the beginning. The speeds are bound to see further boosts as more revisions come.

Now let's speak about frequencies, 5G operates on a wide range. The frequency range is bigger than all the previous networks thus more space, ranging from as low as 600MHz, up to 71GHz. 5G will use the low wavelength part of the spectrum, also known as mmWave, which lies between 24 to 100GHz. This is a great boost to speeds. Since the wavelength is low, more towers are required to cover a larger area and thus coverage problems may arise. 

Beamforming vs Omni-directional approach

Beamforming is something like focusing the network to a location just like a boom microphone (just google it) which actually points the network to a particular direction i.e. like laser light whereas, Omni-directional approach is when you actually spread the network or signals like a bulb i.e. widespread but close range.

5G will be using beamforming to solve the coverage issue and it is said that the 5G might follow beamforming to solve problems by focusing the signals on areas that have heavier traffic.

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