20+ Free & Paid GeoIP Services Comparison
There used to be only a few IP Address Geolocation – GeoIP services available, but as with everything these days we have choices. A lot of them. That’s great but does leave you with the question “Which GeoIP service should I choose? Which one is best for me”. You’ll have to answer that for your self, but our handy comparison table should help ease the pain. Don’t be blinded with “free”. Think a few steps ahead when choosing. The service should support you for at least a few months. Implementing a new one is far more costly than paying $19 per month. Why (if at all) do I need a GeoIP service?
Since you’re reading this article, you obviously have some ideas on how to utilize the GeoIP data in your site or app. If you don’t and are just learning, we recommend looking into segmenting and personalization.
When someone visits your site, you don’t know anything about them. Besides the quite non-interesting technical data describing their browser and its details, you don’t know anything about the user’s preferences, gender, age or anything similar that would give you a chance to offer a more personalized experience.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18279/20-free-paid-geoip-services-comparison
source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2019/01/10/20-free-paid-geoip-services-comparison-2/