2019: The Year of New Content

My favorite podcast of 2018 was Cortex, a show hosted by Myke Hurley and CGP Grey about their working lives. Each year they decide to come up with yearly themes to help them guide their decision making, processes, and hopefully improve their overall lives. I’ve decided that I will also implement a theme for 2019 – and my theme is the year of new content. There are 2 primary reasons I made this my theme for 2019:
I want to consume more new content (books, movies, TV, courses)
I want to create more new content
I Didn’t Consume Enough Good Content in 2018
While I (barely) hit my reading goal for 2018, I don’t feel like I mixed up the books I read, and to be honest, I counted a couple of summaries as actual read books – I mean, I got the gist, right?
I also didn’t see nearly as many new movies as I hoped, and over the last 2 years, I’ve only seen one “new” TV show: The West Wing.
For 2019, I want that to change. I’ve started a new habit of reading every morning before I do anything else. This will help me reach my reading goal of 21 books in 2019.
I’ve also made a list of TV shows and movies I want to watch this year. Instead
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18249/2019-the-year-of-new-content

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2019/01/02/2019-the-year-of-new-content/