Binance Coin Price Continues its Bullish 2019 Trend

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When all cryptocurrencies leave investors disappointed, the focus will ultimately shift to a different breed of assets. In the case of Binance Coin, the token is getting a fair bit of attention. So much even that the Binance Coin price is rising quickly while all other top markets remain stuck in the dirt. A very interesting market trend worth keeping an eye on over the weekend.

Binance Coin Price Momentum Turns Bullish

It is always interesting to see how individual markets evolve when the overall momentum is rather one-sided. Unfortunately for tokens, assets, and cryptocurrencies, the overarching momentum has been bearish for some time now. This makes it all the more interesting to keep an eye on Binance Coin, for example. As this token gains more use cases, it appears the overall price continues to rise accordingly.

Over the past 24 hours, the Binance Coin price has gained another 3.4% in USD value. There is also a 4% gain in BTC value and a near 5% increase over Ethereum. This brings the value of one BNB to $6.74, or 0.00188 BTC. A more than remarkable market trend under the current circumstances, as it seems Bitcoin still can’t catch a break for more than a few minutes on end.

In positive BNB-related news, it would appear the popular token is getting a lot more use cases as of late. So much even that it is almost getting difficult to keep track of them all, by the look of things. Fetch is one of the latest platforms to enable BNB support, which will be of keen interest to securities investors around the world. Getting more ways to spend BNB is always a sign of positive growth.

No one can deny the year 2019 has been pretty interesting for Binance Coin in many different ways. Especially where the price is concerned, it would appear the ongoing uptrend is quite spectacular to date. The current gains for the first month of the ear equal nearly 20%, which is a lot more than any other market in the top 20 right now. Even so, there is a chance a correction will kick in sooner or later.

When looking at the current BNB chart with a critical outlook, it is evident there is a lot more upward potential on the horizon. Manny D shows there may be a very bullish outbreak fairly soon, assuming this current momentum can be sustained for a bit longer. So far, it seems as if the market is doing exactly that, which is all one can ask for.

The most impressive part about Binance Coin is how it continues to note a very high trading volume on a more than regular basis. In that regard, it seems to have at least one leg up over all of its “competitors” in terms of market cap. If this growth is sustained, the currency will soon have a $1bn market cap. That would be a sight to behold, although it will not happen overnight.

Disclaimer: This is not trading or investment advice. The above article is for entertainment and education purposes only. Please do your own research before purchasing or investing into any cryptocurrency.

by JP Buntinx via The Merkle Hash