Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2019 #MLKDay @MLKDay #MLK90

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was much more than his quotes and deserves a lot more than the one paragraph he’s allotted in most U.S. history textbooks. Dr King’s methods were not supported by everyone and were definitely not given full praise in his lifetime. On this day, I would like everyone to remember that change is not made by being passive. It requires a lot of time and energy, but most importantly, action. Be better and do better, today and everyday.

Our Friend, Martin

If you would like to introduce a child to Dr. King but don’t know where to start, try this movie.

Dr. King authored multiple books and they truly are a look into his mind. Check them out here.

National Civil Rights Museum

Located in Memphis, Tennessee, this museum is full of information about Dr. King and more.

via The National Civil Rights Museum

Established in 1991, the National Civil Rights Museum is located at the former Lorraine Motel, where civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968. Through interactive exhibits, historic collections, dynamic speakers and special events, the museum offers visitors a chance to walk through history and learn more about a tumultuous and inspiring period of change.

Read more and visit!

MLK Talks ‘New Phase’ Of Civil Rights Struggle in 1967

The King Center

The King Center is located in Atlanta, Georgia and was established in 1968 by Mrs. Coretta Scott King.

The King Library and Archives in Atlanta is the largest repository of primary source materials on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the American Civil Rights Movement in the world. The collection consists of the papers of Dr. King and those of the organization he co-founded, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, as well as the records of 8 major civil rights organizations and of several individuals active in the Movement. The archives also include more than 200 oral history interviews with Dr. King’s teachers, friends, family and civil rights associates.

Visit and read more.

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