How to Create an Affiliate Business with WordPress

Creating an affiliate business with WordPress is a challenging task. Where do you start? Which tools do you need? Which are the best affiliate programs to promote? These are the kind of questions that keep bombarding you left, right and center. This post contains some affiliate links. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. See the disclosure for more details.
Turns out you can create an affiliate business with WordPress in a jiffy and without breaking a sweat. Most definitely, we won’t ignore the fact you need to put in work to realize results because you can’t get anything for zero effort.
And in this post, we show you exactly how to set up an affiliate business with WordPress easily and without breaking the bank. Read on to learn how you can create your own profitable affiliate business with WordPress.
What is an Affiliate Business?
Affiliating is a business model that involves promoting somebody else’s products and earning a commission whenever you make a sale.
Say you’re promoting WordPress themes, for instance. If you send prospects to a theme shop and someone ends up buying a theme, you earn a commission for that sale. Are you
