How to Move WordPress to a New Host or Server (with No Downtime)

Are you planning to move your WordPress site to a new hosting company or a different server? The biggest risk when switching web hosting or migrating a website to a new server is data loss and downtime. Both of these can make your website temporarily inaccessible to users and search engines which can result in loss of sales and search engine rankings.
In this step by step tutorial, we will show you how to safely migrate your WordPress site to a new host without any downtime.
We’ll also answer the most frequently asked questions about moving a WordPress site to new hosting provider, so you can avoid making some common mistakes.
Important: Before we start, we want you to know that a lot of WordPress hosting companies offer a free migration service. It might not be listed on their website, so all you have to do is ask. Usually it’s free, but some may charge a small fee.
Having that said, let’s take a look at the steps we’ll cover to move WordPress to a new hosting server (without any downtime).
Ready? Let’s get started.
Step 1: Choose Your New WordPress Host
If you are stuck with a slow web host even after optimizing WordPress speed and performance, then it’s
