MakeCode Arcade: Retro Gaming, Modern Programming @msmakecode
MakeCode Arcade: Retro Gaming, Modern Programming – Microsoft MakeCode.
Microsoft MakeCode Arcade is a web-based beginner-friendly code editor to create retro arcade games for the web and for dedicated hardware. As usual with MakeCode, you can either use blocks or JavaScript to build your program in your browser. There’s nothing to install – the games will just work in the browser! For even more fun, you’ll be able to build your own Arcade-compatible game systems or buy them from our hardware partners. But just to make it clear: hardware is optional – you can get started playing or teaching using only a computer with a web-browser.
MakeCode Arcade supports a 160×120 screen showing 16 colors at a time (you can change the palette though!), a 4-channel retro-appropriate sound system, and a grand total of eight buttons (4 directions, A, B, MENU and RESET). Arcade comes with a 2D game engine with sprites, platformer-style collisions, tile maps, particle systems and more.