Metasploit Filesystem and Libraries | Metasploit Tutorials

Metasploit Framwork Filesystem and Libraries

Understanding the Metasploit Framework Architecture
   One can more easily understand the Metasploit architecture by taking a look under its hood. In learning how to use Metasploit, take some time to make yourself familiar with its filesystem and libraries. In Kali Linux and other distros (like Parrot Security OS), Metasploit is provided in the metasploit-framework package and is installed in the /usr/share/metasploit-framework directory.

Metasploit Framework Filesystem
   The Metasploit Framework filesystem is laid out in an intuitive manner and is organized by directory. Some of the more important directories are briefly outlined below.

   data directory: The data directory contains editable files used by Metasploit to store binaries required for certain exploits, wordlists, images, and more.
   documentation directory: As its name suggests, the documentation directory contains the available documentation for the framework.
   lib directory: The lib directory contains the ‘meat’ of the framework code base.
   modules directoty: The modules directory is where you will find the actual MSF modules for exploits, auxiliary and post modules, payloads, encoders, and nop generators.
   plugins directory: As you will see later in this course, Metasploit includes many plugins, which you will find in this directory.
   scripts directory: The scripts directory contains Meterpreter and other scripts.
   tools directory: The tools directory has various useful command-line utilities.
Metasploit Libraries:
   There are a number of MSF libraries that allow us to run our exploits without having to write additional code for rudimentary tasks, such as HTTP requests or encoding of payloads. Some of the most important libraries are outlined below.

    * The basic library for most tasks.
    * Handles sockets, protocols, text transformations, and others.
    * SSL, SMB, HTTP, XOR, Base64, Unicode.

    * Provides the ‘basic’ API.
    * Defines the Metasploit Framework.

    * Provides the ‘friendly’ API.
    * Provides simplified APIs for use in the Framework.