Modern Ways To Reach New Relevant Audiences For Your WordPress Product

Any WordPress plugin or theme without engaged and relevant audiences of users will have a very hard time justifying the resources that are being put into developing & maintaining it. In this article, I’m going to focus on several innovative ways which will enable you to reach new audiences for your WordPress product business. These ways do not include the common & widely familiar ones like SEO, content marketing, old-fashioned social media marketing, etc. Instead, the focus here will be set on presenting you with paths you probably have not encountered before in the WordPress business sphere! “Stealing” Your Competitors’ Customer Data
I obviously realize how potentially problematic this section’s subheader may appear, but let me reassure you by saying that the idea & method described here are perfectly legal and morally sound, just as long as you follow the information provided and not take it in some other, less decent directions. Let’s get to it:
1 – Broad Audience Targeting
As a seller of WordPress plugins and themes you may or may not have heard of a thing called “Dynamic Product Ads” by Facebook. If you haven’t
