NEW GUIDE: Music Box using CRICKIT #CircuitPlaygroundExpress #CircuitPython

This guide shows how to turn just about any box with a lid into a customizable Music Box.

This music box begins playing music as soon as it’s opened, and the user is greeted with a dancing figure (for this project, rather than a slowly turning ballerina, an Adabot takes center stage).

The music box made out of an AdaBot Lunchbox with a CRICKIT for Circuit Playground Express hidden inside. The light sensor on Circuit Playground Express detects when the box is open or closed, automatically turning the singing and dancing on and off. This project is programmed with CircuitPython, a language that is specifically designed to simplify experimenting and learning to code on low-cost microcontroller boards.

Check out the Music Box on Adafruit Learn System to learn how to make your own!