NEW GUIDE: Single Channel LoRaWAN Gateway for Raspberry Pi #LoRaWAN

If have a Pi (or Feather)  LoRaWAN device set up, you’ll likely want to immediately start working with LoRaWAN. This guide takes you through the process of building a single-channel LoRaWAN Gateway to help your LoRaWAN device communicate with a LoRaWAN network.

If you don’t already own a LoRaWAN gateway, or lack coverage in your area, building a single-channel gateway is perfect for diving into LoRaWAN-Land. This guide is also the perfect companion to our new Adafruit LoRa Radio Bonnet – press the middle button to launch the gateway. Statistics about the gateway (and packets received) will show up on the OLED display as new packets are sent from a LoRaWAN device.

Read the guide here…