NEW PRODUCTS – JST PH Sockets to Color Coded Cables – 3-pin + 4-pin Sockets

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NEW PRODUCTS – JST PH Sockets to Color Coded Cables – 3-pin + 4-pin Sockets

We’ve got two handy cables for your JST PH projects! First up, the 3-pin!

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This cable will let you turn a JST PH 3-pin cable socket into 3 individual tinned wires. These are great to match up with our JST 3-PH cables, for extending and connecting sensors or LEDs, and the wires are even color coded!

We also carry the socket ‘mating’ version of this cable over here.

For more information about JST PH connectors, visit the JST website

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Next up, the 4-pin!

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This cable will let you turn a JST PH 3-pin cable socket into 4 individual tinned wires. These are great to match up with our JST 4-PH cables, for extending and connecting sensors or LEDs, and the wires are even color coded!

  • Black for GND
  • Red for V+
  • White for SDA
  • Green for SCL

Even though this is a JST PH connector, it will fit into a Seeed Grove connector and have the right matching wires as well.

We also carry the socket ‘mating’ version of this cable over here.

For more information about JST PH connectors, visit the JST website

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In stock and shipping now! JST PH Sockets to Color Coded Cables – 3-pin + 4-pin Sockets