NomadBSD 1.2-RC1 is Released, Available to Download

NomadBSD is a 64-bit live system for USB flash drives, based on FreeBSD. Together with automatic hardware detection and setup, it is configured to be used as a desktop system that works out of the box, but can also be used for data recovery.

Changes since 1.1

  • The Base system has been upgraded to FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE
  • The setup menu has been improved, and new configuration options for choosing the standard web browser, e-mail client, filemanager, and editors have been added.
  • The script for detecting and loading the Intel video driver has been improved.
  • The user interface has been slightly changed.
  • Support for the local keymap when entering the geli password has been added.
  • Support for resetting NomadBSD has been added. Users can execute
  • /usr/libexec/nomad/nomad_setup reset
  • in single user mode to bring NomadBSD back to its initial state.
  • Localized XDG standard dirs have been added.
  • The swap partition has been removed.
  • linux_base has been removed.
  • Several small improvements and bugfixes.
  • New packages:
  • devel/geany
  • x11-wm/plank
  • x11-themes/lxappearance

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